
Below is a selection of songs Brian has written and which feature on albums over his career. Included are English translations for some of the works in Irish and Scottish Gaelic. 
Tha mi an dòchas gun còrd na h-òrain seo ruibh.  Tha iad sa Ghàidhlig, Gaeilge agus Beurla.

After the Storm

By Brian Ó hEadhra & Brian Finnegan

Jamie sails the sea
He's the only one for me;
I am often wondering if he’ll return.
How many times have I cried and prayed
That my children will soon see their father return.

He's away, far away,
All the day, night and day;
I’ll be here come what may,
After the storm.

The last thing he said to me,
"I always will love thee.
Don't you be a-feared for I'll be home soon.”
But that was a month ago; it seems so long;
O Jamie why did you have to go?

Three men are missing;
One of them my Jamie.
The storm hit the ship o'er two days ago.
God give him mercy; he's so young to die at sea;
Grant me the strength to carry on.

An t-Eilean Beag Bòidheach

Le Brian Ó hEadhra 

An t-eilean beag bòidheach ri taobh Eilean a’ Cheò
Le daoine cho dòigheil is sona a bhith beò
Ann an àite cho àlainn, làn dualchais òr
An t-eilean beag bòidheach, mo dhachaigh gu deò

Nuair a bha mise òg bha mi beòthail is faoin
Cha robh dad a dhìth orm, bha mo bheatha làn mhaoin
Le mo charaidean coibhneil ann an coimhearsnachd cruinn
Is mise gu h-àghmhor sna làithean cho binn

Ach dh'fhàg mi an sgìre son seallaidhean ùra
Chuala mi fathainn mun dùthaich seo nuadh
Aig a' chidhe thug mi buidheachas do mo mhuinntir-sa uile
Soraidh slàn dhan eilean is na deòir a' sileadh

Chunnaic mi àiteachan iongantach is brèagha
Chuala mi cànain nach cluinneadh tu riamh
Ach air cùlaibh m' inntinn bha mo smuaintinn fhathast beò
Air an eilean bheag bhòidheach ri taobh Eilean a’ Cheò

Dhachaigh leam nise gu Ratharsair ghrinn
Dhachaigh gu luath don chroit agam fhìn
Is togaidh mi teaghlach; chan fhàg mi a-rithis
An t-àite mo ghaoil,  m' anam is sìth

A-raoir Bha mi Coiseachd

Le Brian Ó hEadhra 

A-raoir bha mi a’ coiseachd air Tràigh àlainn Shanndaigh
Chuir a’ ghaoth dath nam ghruaidh le do fodha na grèine
Bha mo smuaintean air na làithean a tha fada seachad
Nuair a bha gaol a’ briseadh a-steach air mo chridhe

Ceum as dèidh ceum a’ dèanamh dealbh sa ghainmheach
An speur a’ fàs dearg aig deireadh an t-saoghail
Chì mi fhathast thu nam làimh-sa a’ bruidhinn gu sàmhach
Nuair a bha gaol a’ briseadh a-steach air mo chridhe

Cà' bheil ar càirdean a bha làn de shonais
A bheil an cuimhne agaibh beò air an tràigh àlainn fhathast?
A’ cluich ‘s a còmhradh le dùil nar sùilean
Nuair a bha gaol a’ briseadh a-steach air mo chridhe

Air ais aig an taigh; an tràigh anns an astar
Mo theaghlach air fàs, le clann aca fhèin
‘S do làmh na mo làimh; m’ aisling cho bòidheach
Tha gaol fhathast a’ briseadh a-steach air mo chridhe

At the End of the Day

By Brian Ó hEadhra 

As I wake in the morning
And see you by my side
I recall when we first met
And all the days flown by
And darling
I wouldn’t change a thing

This life is full of prizes
And you’re the best I’ve won
So I don’t need to gamble
‘Cause everything I own
Means nothing
Without you in my life

At the end of the day
You are there
When I need you the most
You are there
And when the world gets you down
And you don’t know where to turn
I’ll be here for you too

Now it wasn’t always easy
And we’ll have hard times ahead
But don’t you ever worry
Things will be
All right
In the end

‘Cause dreams keep us afloat
With our family and friends
Live one day at a time
I have everything I want
And nothing
Left to mend

Brianainn an t-Seòladair

Faclan le | Words by Brian Ó hEadhra
Ceòl le | Music by Fionnag NicChoinnich

Seòladh saor o bhàgh an iar sa
Siùil ' tha làn is muir mar charaid
Dream beag treun ag iomradh mar aonan
Sinne tha làn de dhòchas is iomnaidh

Haigh ò, haigh haigh haigh haigh ò
Ò a bhalachaibh
Haigh ò, haigh haigh haigh haigh ò
Ò a bhalachaibh

Tha sinne nur làmhan mar uain gun lèirsinn
Thoir dhuinn lùth bhon bhuaireas nar n-inntinn
Thoir dhuinn fois bho iomagain beatha
Dìon ar n-anman, Ùghdair na Cruinne

Bho fhaclan nam bàrd - thig tuigsinn is eòlas
Bho gach linn thig guidhe nan daoine
Anns gach ràmh tha ùrnaigh is uaigneas
Anns ar cuirp tha teannas is iarraidh

Eilean nam Faoil gun sgeul don fhialaiche
Eilean nan Caorach le daoine cho tuigseach
Eilean nan Eun mar phàrras air thalamh
Seinnibh gu h-àrd; thoiribh glòir don Athair

Èistibh rim sgeul is cromaibh ur cinn-se
Fàgaibh gach dragh a' còmhnaidh nur cridheachan
Sinne tha beannaichte, sinne le earbsa
Lorgaidh ar soitheach Eilean nan Naomh-sa

Brendan the Navigator

Sailing free from the west bay
The sail is full and the sea like a friend
A small strong team rowing as one
We are full of hope and worry

Haigh ò, haigh haigh haigh haigh ò
Oh lads
Haigh ò, haigh haigh haigh haigh ò
Oh lads

We are in your hands like sightless lambs
Give us strength from the turbulence in our minds
Give us rest from the worries of life
Protect our souls, Creator of the world

From the words of the bards will come understanding and knowledge
From every generation will come prayers of the people
In every row is a prayer and loneliness
In our bodies is tension and desire

Island of the Generous without sight of the provider
Island of Sheep with people so understanding
Island of Birds, like a paradise on earth
Sing out loud; give glory to the Father

Listen to my story and bow your heads
Leave every worry which lives in your hearts
We who are blessed; we of faith
Our vessel will find the Island of the Saint

Caidil Ri Mo Thaobh

Le Brian Ó hEadhra

Nar laighe an seo anns an duibhreas
Do shèideadh cho dlùth ri mo bheul
Is a h-uile rud còir is ceart ruinn
Gun fhuaim ri cluinntinn 's e sèimh

Caidil ri mo thaobh mo leannan-sa
Mo bheannachdan ort nad thàmh
Is tusa am freagairt dom cheistean
Mo shonas, is tusa am fàth

Tha a' ghaoth a-muigh bùrsach is èitigh
Is na frasan a' sileadh gu treun
Ach sinne gun dragh is gun aire
Sa mhadainn bidh gatha na grèine

Sa bhliadhnachan romhainn bidh dùbhlain
De sin chan eil teagamh sam bith
Ach an dràsta cha bhi sinn ach sàsta
Leis ar beatha 's ar cuideachd 's ar sìth 

Cèilidh nam Bliadhna

Le Brian Ó hEadhra

Air Eilean beag bòidheach as t-samhradh sa ghrèin
Hiu ra hoireann o,
Hiu ra hoireann o,
Is seinn na pìoba a' sèideadh sa ghaoith
Hiu ra ho-ro a' sèideadh sa ghaoith
Seinn na pìoba a' sèideadh sa ghaoith

Tha dannsa a-nochd ann an Èirisgeigh chruinn
Hiu ra hoireann o,
Hiu ra hoireann o,
Is na brògan air ùrlar a' bualadh gu cruaidh
Hiu ra ho-ro a' bualadh gu cruaidh
Na brògan air ùrlar a' bualadh gu cruaidh

Gabhaidh mi drama is gabhaidh mi pinnt
Hiu ra hoireann o,
Hiu ra hoireann o,
Le dòchas an ath là nach bi mi ro thinn
Hiu ra ho-ro nach bi mi ro thinn
Le dòchas an ath là nach bi mi ro thinn

Seinnidh mi òran neo dhà, fiù 's no trì
Hiu ra hoireann o,
Hiu ra hoireann o,
Is seinnidh an sluagh gu làidir gu binn
Hiu ra ho-ro gu làidir gu binn
Seinnidh an t-sluagh gu làidir gu binn

Cluinnidh mi sgeulachdan fada 's èibhinn
Hiu ra hoireann o,
Hiu ra hoireann o,
Mu na seann làithean is beatha na daoin'
Hiu ra ho-ro is beatha na daoin'
Mu na seann làithean is beatha na daoin'

Air ais air an làr leis a' mhnaoi agam fhìn
Hiu ra hoireann o,
Hiu ra hoireann o,
A' cagair na cluais rudan gràdhach is glinn
Hiu ra ho-ro gràdhach is glinn
A' cagair na cluas rudan gràdhach is glinn

'N t-àm airson teicheadh bho chèilidh na bliadhn'
Hiu ra hoireann o,
Hiu ra hoireann o,
Is nì sinn a-rithist e an ath-bhliadhn' le cinnt
Hiu ra ho-ro an ath-bhliadhn' le cinnt
Is nì sinn a-rithist e an ath-bhliadhn' le cinnt

The Cèilidh of the Year

In the summer sun, on a bonny wee island
And the sound of the pipes on the breeze

There is a dance tonight on Eriskay
And the shoes are beating the floorboards hard

I'll have a dram and I’ll have a pint
In the hope that I won’t be too ill the next day

I'll sing a song or two, or even three
And the crowd will sing strongly and sweetly

I'll listen to long and funny stories
About the old days and the folks' lives

Back on the floor with my lass
Whispering loving and sweet things into her ear

Time to leave the cèilidh of the year
We'll definitely do the same again next year

Cén Treo Anois?

Le Brian Ó hEadhra

Tá mo spiorad briste
Scaipthe, scriosta
Ar luascadh sa ghaoth
I bhfad ó mo chroí
Idir dá shaol
Táim breoite, i mbaol
Ag lorg mo chúise
Fé dheireadh 

Cén treo anois
Cén treo anois
Cén t-slí is fearr
Leanfidh mé air aghaidh
Gan freagra, gan fáth
Gan rud air bith ach m’ inntinn

Ó lá go lá
Ceistím an fáth
Go bhfuil gráin ar aighthe
Mo bhráithre
Aineolas, náire
Tá ciall ‘dol amú
Theip ar ár dteagasc na staire

Chan Ann Ach Thu

Le Brian Ó hEadhra

Chan ann ach thu, chan ann ach thu
Bho bhonn gu bàrr, aig deireadh an latha
Chan ann ach thu

Nuair a bhios do làithean làn
Is chì thu d' fhaileas sa' sgàthan àrd

Aig a' bhòrd le planaichean mòr'
Le dòchas ann, an aghaidh an t-sruth

Nuair a bhios do spiorad fann
Cuimhnich do chridhe is tog do cheann

'S iomadh brath ag ionnsaigh ort
Cum d' ùine fhèin airson do shlàint'

Ag òl is ag ith' is ag ith is ag òl
'S e 'n tagh agad fhèin bho latha gu latha

There's Only You

There's only you, there's only you
From bottom to top, at the end of the day,
There's only you

When your days are full
And you see your reflection in the high mirror

At the table with big plans
Full of hope, against the tide

When your spirit is weak
Remember your heart and lift your head

Multiple messages overpowering you
Manage your time for the sake of your health

Drinking and eating and eating and drinking
It's your decision day to day

Distant Brother

By Brian Ó hEadhra 

Oh, my distant brother
Who I do not know
Lead me to the valley
Where the great river flows.
My native sister
Take me by the hand.
Tell me what I fail to hear;
Tell me of your land.

Be still awhile,
Rest your weary head.
Close your eyes
Tell me of yourself.
Of all that you love
The sun, moon and stars.
Time will heal all.

Though I do not know your nature
I feel it is a part of me.
The rhythm of the beating drum
Keeps our music company.
There’s so much to learn
So much to see
I will keep on searching
External and internally.

Now there are no barriers
In the physical or mind.
Know what you once were
And Know what you can be.
Forget about forgiveness
Leave behind the pain.
I stand to embrace you
Together once again.  

Eadar Breith agus Bàs

Le Brian Ó hEadhra

Rachainn thar a’ chuain
Shiubhlainn fad’ air na tonnan
Gus an ruiginn an t-àit
Far am faighinn-sa tàmh
Chan eil teagamh no strì
Nam inntinn no ‘m’ chridh’
Gu bheil aoibhneas ri lorg
Nar beathannan fhìn

Eadar breith agus bàs
Bidh na ceistean a’ sruthadh
Eadar Gàidheil is Goill
Thig am follais, an t-sligh’
Gabh tlachd o gach latha
Eadar madainn is oidhch’
Gabh faochadh is sìth
Le fios gu bheil thu beò

Between Birth and Death

I would cross the sea
I would go far on the waves
Until I reach the place
Where I can rest
There is no doubt or struggle
In my mind or my heart
That joy is to be found
In all our lives

Between birth and death
The questions will flow
Between Gaels and non-Gaels
The path will become clear
Enjoy every day
Between morning and nighttime
Take relief and peace
Knowing that you are alive


Le Brian Ó hEadhra

Imeod as an gceantar seo; éalód as an áit
Tá an spiorad ionam loite le na gráin.
Scartha ó mo cháirde thar na dtonnta fad i gcéin
Is ann atá leoithne úr ar fáil;
Táim a’ súil bheith ar ais leo gan mhoill.

Anseo tá na masses gafa le tráctáil;
Níl sásamh ná níl faoiseamh an le fáil.
Tá luach ard an rachmais greanta ar na haighthe bán;
Ach thall tá na leoithne úr le fáil;
Táim a’ súil bheith ar ais leo gan mhoill.  

Seo sláinte gheall mo mhúirnín atá dílis dom go deo
A bheith i mo theannta, fad a bheimid beo;
Agus seinnfimidne ceol ‘measc ár muintir ‘feadh an ló;
Táim a súil bheith ar ais leo gan mhoill.

I’ve left my native country and all the ones I love,
Must I call this city my home?
Never did I think I’d feel so fearful and alone;
Across the waves will always be my home;
How I long to be with you once more.


I will leave this district - escape from this place;
My spirit is wounded by the ugliness;
Separated from my friends who are far over the waves;
There is where fresh winds are to be found -
I hope to be back with them soon.  

Here the masses are consumed by commerce;
There is no satisfaction or relief here to be found.
The high price of prosperity is etched on their pale faces.
But over the sea, fresh winds are to be had -
I hope to be back with them soon.  

Health to you my beloved who is mine forever,
Who is my support as long as we live,
And we will play music among our family through the days.
I hope to be back with them soon.

Fichead Aodan

Le Brian Ó hEadhra

Fichead aodann anns an sgàthan
A' dùrdanaich, a' dùrdanaich
Sùilean orm is mi air fàire
A h-uile latha a' lorg sìth

Iomadh guth a' bruidhinn gu sàmhach
Nam inntinn dhorch' is smuaintean trom’
Cùm gu rèidh am measg nan daoine
Na foillsich na tha a’ dol nad cheann

Daoine dùinte 's iad leth choma
Cùm do mhiann am broinn do chrìdh’
Dèan an danns’ sna reultan àrda
Leig mu sgaoil na smuaintean binn

Cà' bheil saorsa; cà' bheil càirdeas;
Càit an deach am balach òg?
A chluich gun dragh sna làithean geala
...Cuimhneachain a' tighinn bhon sgleò

Fanaidh mi gus ’n tig a' ghrian
Feuchaidh mi ri cumail beò;
Gus an uair sin bidh mi stòlda
Cuimhnich oirnn a tha sa cheò

Twenty Faces

Twenty Faces in the mirror
Murmuring, murmuring
Eyes upon me and I'm on guard
Everyday, everyday

Many voices speaking quietly
My mind dark; my thoughts heavy
Stay calm among the people
Don't reveal what's inside your head

Closed people and they half caring
Keep your wish inside your heart
Dance among the stars on high
Release the sweet thoughts

Where is freedom; where is friendship
Where did the young boy go
Who played without a care in those bright days
… Memories coming through the fog

I will wait until the sun comes
I will try to stay alive
Until then I will be still
Remember us in the mist

Forever Free

By Brian Ó hEadhra 

I have been a rambler, a Gambler and a fool
I've left my native country in search of a life new.
On my journeys, I have weathered wind, rain and snow
To find what I am looking for,
Well heaven only knows, only knows

Oh the life of pleasure, oh the life of ease.
The life of a rover, many I do displease.
For no man do I serve, no prince, king or queen
I'll always be forever free

I've lived on borrowed pennies, sailed the ocean blue.
I drank and fought, I had it all; lost it the same day too.
I've been on the great continents, seen the wonders of the world.
Just keep an eye on the horizon
And let my life unfurl

But now I've found a woman and she wants me to stay
Close by her side through the night and day.
Ah sure, what does it matter as long as we're happy
And in our hearts until the end
We'll be forever free

Fourteen Days

By Brian Ó hEadhra 

Fourteen days now,
I have been running
From a prison
Far from here.
To my lover,
I must go now;
To live without her,
I cannot bear.

I was a poor man
In search of labour;
The days had ended
Down in the mines.
For stealing silver,
I was imprisoned
There was no work here
To be found.

I robbed a rich man
Of his purse of money
To pay the rent;
To feed a poor mouth.
I was trembling
As I drew the dagger;
Oh, my God,
What have I done?

They caught and bound me;
Mocked and scorned me;
And said my true love,
I’d see no more.
Into the darkness
I did stumble,
But I escaped from
That den of woe.

Now I must find her,
Ma belle, Louise;
If you should see her
Say this for me:
‘Please forgive me,
And when I find you,
I’ll take you far
Away from here.’


Faclan le | Words by Brian Ó hEadhra & Fionnag NicChoinnich
Ceòl le | Music by Fionnag NicChoinnich

Chuir thu crùn hìll iu hìll ò
Air rìgh nan rìgh hìll ill ill ò
A bhana-ghaisgeach òg hìll iu hìll ò
A bhan-iarla chòir hìll a hoireann hò rò

Bh' agaibh ri hìll iu hìll ò
Lagh nam beus hìll ill ill ò
A chumail slàn hìll iu hìll ò
A Chlann 'ic Dhuibh hìll a hoireann hò rò

Chaidh do chreach hìll iu hìll ò
Chaidh do mhilleadh hìll ill ill ò
On thrèig an t-iarl' hìll iu hìll ò
Gun dìon no mòd hìll a hoireann hò rò

D' ìsleachadh hìll iu hìll ò
Do thaisbeanadh hìll ill ill ò
Mo mhallachd orra hìll iu hìll ò
A rinn do nàir' hìll a hoireann hò rò

Fad ochd bliadhn' hìll iu hìll ò
Am braighdeanas hìll ill ill ò
O càit an deach hìll iu hìll ò
Bean nam feart hìll a hoireann hò rò

Cuimhnichibh hìll iu hìll ò
An sgeul làn bròin hìll ill ill ò
Agus thig an latha hìll iu hìll ò
Far an èirich an leòmhann hìll a hoireann hò rò


You crowned
The king of kings
Strong heroine
Worthy countess

You had to
Your ethics intact
Clann MacDuff

You were ruined
You were destroyed
From the deception of the Earl
Without protection or court

Your humiliation

Your exhibition
My curses upon them
Who shamed you

For eight years
In captivity
O where did the
Powerful woman go

The sorrowful tale
And the day will come
When the lion will rise again

Is Gael Mé

Le Brian Ó hEadhra

Táim beo is marbh - is Gael mé
Faoin dtuath is sa chathair - is Gael mé
Ar tír is ar muir – is Gael mé
Im chorp is im aigne aerach

Beir glóir dár muinntir - is Gaeil iad
I bhfulaingt is bua - is Gaeil iad
I gcreideamh is anam - is Gaeil iad
Lán ghrá is dóchas go deo

’Nár dteaghlaigh s’nár gcumainn - is Gaeil muid
Sinn oscailte réitithe - Gaeil muid
Lán tuiscint ’nár dúchas - is Gaeil muid
Lán réidh don dúshlán ’tá romhainn

Labhraígí an teanga - is Gaeil sibh
Lán taca don cheartas - is Gaeil sibh
Seas an aghaidh olcais - is Gaeil sibh
Is déan deimhnin de cé sibhse go bráth

In Éirinn, in Albainn – is Gaeil sinn
Sa Mheirceá Thuaidh - is Gaeil sinn
Sa Mhanainn is Sasana - is Gaeil sinn
Ar fud an domhain ar fad

I am a Gael

I'm alive and dead - I am a Gael
In the countryside and city - I am a Gael
On land and sea - I am a Gael
In my body and lively mind

Give praise to our people - They are Gaels
In suffering and achievement - They are Gaels
In beliefs and spirit - They are Gaels
Forever full of love and hope

In our families and gatherings - We are Gaels
We are open and ready - We are Gaels
Fully understanding of our heritage - We are Gaels
Fully prepared for the hardships afore us

Speak the language - You are Gaels
Fully support justice - You are Gaels
Stand against malice - You are Gaels
Always be certain of who you are

In Ireland, in Scotland - We are Gaels
In North America - We are Gaels
In Mann and England - We are Gaels
Across the whole wide world

Lament for the Lonely

By Brian Ó hEadhra 

Thinking alone in the dark of a room
On a street in a run down town;
Lying awake with the hum of outside
Running 'round and around and around in my mind.

Lament for the Lonely,
Lament for the Lonely
Lonely and I.

There's little relief socialising with those
Who hardly remember your name.
The music you play is all you can trust
Though grows stale played again and again...

Sight can seem so dark.
Life can be so dark.
Night is oh so dark,
For no reason why.

I can hardly remember the last time I felt
On top of the world and alive;
Without someone to comfort me
I lay down as though to die.
No one asks why.


By Brian Ó hEadhra 

In a dream last night I saw a thousand horses
Striding across a plain
Their manes flowing free in the breeze
No barriers in their way.

Then a child looks up
With innocent eyes,
Asks why all things must die,
What's the reply?
I never found out -
Then my dream ran dry.

It's life, life, life...
That's all it is.

I tossed and turned all night long
With the weight of life on my head.
No one said it would be like this,
No one ever dares.

I lie and wonder for hours on end
How we ever came to be this way,
And I say "Lord, if you're really up there
Send me a better day."

Love is the cure but also the drug,
I've walked on air when falling in love.
Though when the bough breaks
Oh how it aches
To re-enter the world alone.

Live to Love

By Brian Ó hEadhra 

The city is a lonely place
When your heart is low
And your love is all-alone;
Your memories are all you have
When the streets are dark,
So far away from home.
Dreaming of a better day;
A day that comes
But once in a blue moon;
Writing all your letters,
Telling them:
'I hope to be home soon.'

'Live to Love',
Is what you said to me,
'And your dreams will come to you.
Listen to your heart,
It always is true,
And your dreams will come to you.'

I've wandered through the shadow-lands;
Taken the path to God-knows-where.
I've cried out pearls of poison,
And where they fell
A weeping willow grew.
Holding on to yesterday;
Fearing what is
Just around the bend.
But now I see the sun and moon;
An oak will grow instead
And remain true.

Mairidh Ar Gaol

Le Brian Ó hEadhra

Dh'fhàg thu mi an-dè
Dh'fhàg thu le mo chridhe
Bhuail e mi gu cruaidh
Nuair a dh'fhàg thu, o mo luaidh

Dh'fhalbh mi an-dè
Chan urrainn dhomh a ràdh
Dè cho fad 's a bhios
Sinn sgairte, o mo ghràidh

Ach mairidh ar gaol
Gu sìorraidh agus là
Tharais a' chuain àird
Le cinnt, mairidh ar gaol
Mairidh ar gaol

Ge bith dè thachras a-nis
Ma lorgas tu fear a tha còir
Smaoinich orm mo rùin
Cha chrìon mo shuim, mo stòir

Ged a lorg mi duine còir
Bidh d' fhaclan nam chridhe gu bràth
Ged tha saoghal ùr agam a-nis
Bidh thu rium gun donas, gun sgrios

Chunnaic mi thu an-dè
Le d' oghaichean timcheall ort
Thill thu, mu dheireadh thall
Ach thusa a-nis nad ghall

Thill mi an-dè a ghràidh
Is chuimhnich mi ort gu bàidheil
Is tu fhathast na mo shùil
Mo bhalach aig deireadh an t-saoghail

Our Love Will Endure

You left me yesterday
You left with my heart
It hit me hard
When you left, o my dear

I left yesterday
I cannot say
How long we will
Be separated, o my love

But our love will endure
Forever and a day
Over the high seas
Certainly, our love will endure
Our love will survive

Whatever happens now
If you find a good man
Think of me my darling
My interest will not wane, my treasure

Although I found a good man
Your words will always be in my heart
Although I now have a new life
You will be with me without harm, without ruin

I saw you yesterday
With your grandchildren around you
Finally you returned
But you are now a foreigner

I returned yesterday my love
And I remembered you fondly
And you still in my eye
My boy at the end of the world

Mar an Fhiadh

Faclan le | Words by Brian Ó hEadhra
Ceòl le | Music by Fionnag NicChoinnich

Mar an fhiadh a bhios mi
Mar bhan-dia a bhios mi
Mar ghuthan nam mìltean
A' seinn gu h-àrd, gu treun

Bheir mise sùil air an t-saoghal le sùilean ùra
Duisgidh mi bho m' aisling agus seasaidh mi gu h-àrd

Bidh mi cruaidh mar chloich is bog mar bhùrn
Leughaidh mi an tìr mar na gaisgaich a chaidh

Èistidh mi ris na craobhan a lùbas sa ghaoith
Is gheibh mi neart bhon ghrèin gach là

Fuirichidh mi san dè, san diugh is san màireach
Is cha bhi an t-eagal orm ro olcas sam bith

Gabhaidh mi am fulangas a thig le bròn
Agus cumaidh mi slàn nam anam is bodhaig

Ruithidh mi ris an treud ach seasaidh mi nam aonar
'S bidh mi stolta mar neòinean sa mhàgh

Like the Deer

Like the deer, I will be
Like a goddess, I will be
Like voices of the thousands
Singing loudly, strongly

I will look upon the world with a new vision
I will awake from my slumber and stand tall

I will be hard like a rock and soft like water
I will read the land like the heroes of old

I will listen to the trees that sway in the wind
And I will gain strength from the sun each day forever

I will live in the yesterday, today and the morrow
And I will fear no evil

I will endure suffering that comes with sadness
And I will nurture my spirit and my body

I will run with the herd but I will stand alone
I will be still like a daisy on the plain

Mo Chaileag Bhon Eilean

Le Brian Ó hEadhra 

Mo chaileag bhon eilean, a luaidh, 's a ghràidh
Is tusa mo rùineag, is bidh thu gu bràth
Bidh sinn ri chèile gach oidhch' is gach là
Mo chaileag bhon eilean cho bòidheach

Nuair a bha mi nam dheugair bha mo chridhe làn dùil
Gum faighinn tè bhòidheach is Gàidhealach, làn ciùil
Bh' agam ri feitheamh deich bliadhna co-dhiù
Gus an d' fhuair mi an aon chaileag dhomsa

Tha cuimhn' 'am air an oidhche a chunnaic mi i
A' gàireachdainn 's a' seinn 's a' coimhead cho grinn
Bha fios ‘am bhon uair sin nach biodh ann ach sinn fhìn
Nach mise am balach bha sunndach!

Shiubhlainnsa fada tro fhrasan is sneachd'
Gus an ruiginnsa ise a tha coibhneil is laghach
Is rachamaid a dhannsa an oidhche air fad
Nach buidhe dhomh is mi leis an fhortan!

'Niste a chàirdean, thig mi gu crìoch
Chan eil dad eile ri ràdh mun dithis againn fhìn
Ach gum bi sinn ri chèile làn sòlais is sìth
Le ar cloinn is ar càirdean cho prìseil  

My island lass, my dear, my love
You are my darling and forever will be
We’ll be together by night and by day
My lass from the beautiful island

As a teenager, my heart was full of desire
To find a beautiful Gaelic girl full of music
I had to endure at least ten years
Until I found the one girl for me

I remember the night I first saw her
Laughing, singing and looking so lovely
I knew from that moment that we would be one
Wasn’t I a happy lad!

I would travel far, through rain and snow
Until I would reach the one who is kind and fair
And we would go out dancing all of the night
Aren’t I full of good luck!

Now, friends, I will come to an end
There’s nothing else to say about the two of us
But that we will be together in contentment and peace
With our precious children and family/friends

Mo Chailín Donn

Le Brian Ó hEadhra

Ag Meán oíche gabhaim siar don aill
Ag lorg mo ghrá atá caillte
Suím ar an charraig ag impí uirthi
Filleadh arais chugam ag baile.

Ó mo chailin donn
Mo Ghrá geal is mo chroí
Fill air ais go luath
Is bí liom arís

Is fada í ar shiúl uaim
Mo leanbh is mo stòr aici
Is trua gur cheil mé mo ghrá ort
Mo chailín i bhfad ó mo thigh

Anois táim ag dol in aois
Im’ shuí cois teallaigh liom fèin
Ag smaoineamh ar ‘n am atá thart
A chaitheas lem chailin donn.  

Na Fir-chlis

Le Brian Ó hEadhra

Stadaibh is èistibh gu ciùin
Bheiribh an ùine dhuibh fhèin
Rachaibh le sìth gun feall
Fosglaibh ur sùilean gu mall

Buidhe is dubh a’ tighinn gu dlùth
Beanntan a' suathadh nan neul
Glas is liath a' danns gu h-àrd
A' lìonadh mo chridhe le gràdh

A' lorg an fhàth le miann
Na speuran air lasadh o thuinn na grèin'
An seo, a-nis leinn fhèin
Daoin’ 'on tuath an t-saoghail

The Northern Lights

Quietly stand and listen
Take time for yourself
Go in peace, not in falseness
Slowly open your eyes

Yellow and black merging together
Mountains touching the clouds
Green and bluey-grey dancing above
Filling my heart with love

Seeking meaning with desire
The skies alight from waves of the sun
Here, together alone
Folk from the north of the world

Naomh nan Gàidheal

Faclan le | Words by Brian Ó hEadhra
Ceòl le | Music by Fionnag NicChoinnich

O Ghartan nan gleann cho socair is ciùin
Dh'ionnsaich thu fìrinn o ghlùin gu glùin
Dh'fhairich thu feum bh' aig muinntir na Fèinn'
Is thàinig thu thugainn o thìr a bha cèin

O naoimh nan naomh treòir dhuinn an t-sligh'
Thoir dhuinn do stiùir nar n-uile ghnìomh
Bho àm do bhreith is tarsainn gach linn
O naoimh nan Gàidheal bheir dhuinne sìth

Is tusa an sionnach a' smaointinn gu geur
Is tusa an calman air sgèith san speur
Is tusa an caraid do mhanaich nach maireann
Do bhuaidh gu calma air muir is fearann

Bho Eilean beag Ì chaidh do theachdaireachd shlàn
Ruig i gach ceàrn is gleann gun dàil
Fhuair thu àrd-mholadh o rìghrean is bàird
Mairidh do dhìleab, ar naomh, gu bràth

Saint of the Gaels

From Gartan of the glen, so quiet and calm
You learned the truth from knee to knee
You felt the need of the Fianain people
And you came to us from a far off land

O saint of saints show us the way
Guide us in our every action
From the time of your birth and across every generation
O saint of the Gaels, provide us with peace

You are the fox thinking sharply
You are the dove flying in the sky
You are the trout in the well which endures
Your influence is strong on the sea and land

From the wee isle of Iona, your full message went
It reached every region and glen without delay
You received high praise from kings and bards
Our saint, your legacy will live forever

Note: This song is only available as a bonus digital track when you buy TUATH on Bandcamp.  

Not as Young

By Brian Ó hEadhra 

“Where has all the time gone?” you say,
As you sit in that chair every day.
It’s wherever you want it to be,
It’s forever entwined memories.

Look at my hands, old and strong;
At all they have done and been through.
I’ve had a hundred jobs in my life,
Every one of them, a step to be free.

I’m not as young,
I’m not as young as I used to be.

Look at my eyes and all they’ve seen;
The good and the bad through my days.
But I wouldn’t have it any other way,
For what I’ve seen, others only get to dream.

My children have grown and spread far;
No one stays in one place anymore.
The future is theirs to be had;
I remember when the world was made for me.

Now a day never passes me by
That I ask if what we had was really true?
As you slipped through my arms in the night
And whispered in my ear “I love you.”

Now the sea sings to me a timeless song
And the mountains breathe a sigh of relief.
They are friends to me now.
All else ceases to be.

Nothing Ever Happens

By Brian Ó hEadhra 

As nighttime approaches,
I hardly even notice
I'm cocooned in my room
And haven't got a notion
How the world is living;
Maybe I should say dying;
Let's face it it's reality
That I'm denying.

Nothing ever happens.
It always seems the same.
It's just another situation
Seen through another frame.
Nothing ever happens.
It's all the same to me.
A never-ending story.
A recurring dream.

Every once in a while
I get this sinking feeling
When I look at the paper,
See the people that are needing
Everything that I own,
Every ounce of my being.
Puts everything in perspective,
But I just read it and I leave 'em.

What can I do?
What can I say?
Ring in a credit,
Shake a can in the air.
I could sign a petition,
Ring on a bell,
Take a little bit of heaven
And throw it down to hell.


By Brian Ó hEadhra & Aimée Leonard

No one ever told me about November,
The month of sorrow and pain.
How is it I never read the writing on the wall:
‘With joy there also comes pain.’

Everything I know has turned around now
And other people’s fears are holding strong.
From the outside looking in I can see behind the smiles
And realise my life’s moving on.

November may come and go
But some memories always remain.
November was bittersweet
Like sunshine through the rain.

Although I know a change is for the better
It doesn’t make it easier to bear.
The more I fight the harder it becomes to walk away
And no one ever knows how much I care.

Now I have to leave some dreams behind me
And fly like the wind.
All that I can do is take one day at a time;
It’s a new beginning again.


By Brian Ó hEadhra 

Some people are black, some people are white
Some people push you down when you’re walking on ice
Other people can be seen as red, orange or green
So many people make it hard for you to be what you want to be

It’s hard to remember, so easy to forget
The day we last talked, the time we last met
You told me some people were putting you down
The happens to the best of us but try not to spread it around this nosey ol’ town

Some people
Yeah, people

Some people are funny on their comedy shows
And other people are evil, but that’s how it goes
Some people look trashy, other people look fine
Some people are sour, and other people devine

Maybe too observant, maybe just the same
People have the habit of playing the same game
Remind me to remember, never to forget that we’re all the same people
So what? Let’s put it to bed; what’s said has been said

Sleep Until I Die

By Brian Ó hEadhra 

As the rain came down on this sleepy town,
Dark clouds hung in the sky,
It dawned on me that if things don’t change
I’ll sleep until I die.
Sleep until I die my dear,
Sleep until I die.
It dawned on me that if things don’t change
I’ll sleep until I die.

A man has only one true friend,
His conscience is his guide
But none of this means anything
If I sleep until I die.
Sleep until I die my dear,
Sleep until I die.
None of this means anything
If I sleep until I die.

I believe all that I read,
Can’t see between truth or lies
But if I don’t question everything
I’ll sleep until I die.
Sleep until I die my dear,
Sleep until I die.
If I don’t question everything
I’ll sleep until I die.

This land tells a thousand tales
Its language was its pride
But if I remember none of this
I’ll sleep until I die
Sleep until I die my dear,
Sleep until I die.
If I remember none of this
I’ll sleep until I die.

Take This Moment

By Brian Ó hEadhra 

Write me a letter;
No words of wisdom or of rhyme.
Tell me what you're feeling;
The joys and woes of sight.

Take this moment;
Hold it in your hand.
Look around you;
See for the first time - life.

Mistakes, I've made a few;
Regrets, more than one.
Hope is all I live for,
And dreams of days to come.

East and West, I stand between you;
My path runs far and wide.
Wonder shall be my teacher,
The elements, my delight.

The Liberty

By Brian Ó hEadhra 

She is tall, strong and proud
Her sight had ne'er been seen
Before the day that she set sail
Upon the raging sea
From France, she did depart
And 'til this very day
The ship that sails in every heart
Her name is 'Liberty'

Well the crew they stand as one
Behind their captain brave
And he treats each like a son
As they sail across the mane
And they work both day and night
For the love of one so free
The ship that sails in every heart
Her name is 'Liberty'

In battle, she has fought
And has won more than a few
But there's still more to be gained
By this brave and gallant crew
And a light shines from the deck
Each night for those to see
The ship that sails in every heart
Her name is 'Liberty'

Well now my time has come
To take to the sea
I can hear her voice
Calling out to me
And I will have no fear
For all eternity
The ship that sails inside my heart
Her name is 'Liberty'

The Journey

By Brian Ó hEadhra 

Darkness descends on my sea
As I sail from the Port of the Free
To a land that is far away
And I need to be strong night and day

Secrets in your eyes,
I can see
Tears in your heart
Burning me

I come to an island on my way
There's a song in the air, but I can't say
If the words are of war or of peace
But I'll try to seek out harmony

All that I am
And all that I see
It will live on
Inside of me

Now I'm standing so close to the edge
Of what's real and what's inside my head
Mine's a journey that knows no end
Recall what is love is all I ask

This Time

By Brian Ó hEadhra & Aimée Leonard

News has just broken;
It’s out in the open;
But it’s happening every day.
Someone is lost;
Someone is found;
Something is learned on the way.

The words fly around;
I’ve heard it before,
But it’s new and it’s real this time.
Give me the strength
To say what is right
Or we’ll fall.

Only you, only you
Can make it real for me;
How can I, how can I
Make it real for you?
I will give what I can
And take what I find.

People have said
That love is a game
But the rules have never been clear.
There’s love and there’s loss,
And you know you’re alive
When you feel it again and again.

And the shadows fall away
From the room inside your heart;
Take a step and you will see
An eternity.  

Time For Sleep

By Brian Ó hEadhra 

I lay my body down to sleep
I hope your dreams tonight are sweet
Moonlight shines from window bright
I’ll think of only you tonight
I’ll think of only you tonight

It’s time for sleep
The lights are low
Music in the distance
Play slow music, slow
Slow, music, slow

Angels above, my guardians dear
Comfort me as I lay here
Alone without you in the fading light
I’ll dream of only you tonight
I’ll dream of only you tonight

To Be With You

By Brian Ó hEadhra 

Though I may be many miles away
I can still see your face as clear as day
Across the land and open sea
You never will be far away from me

And I’ll always sing a song for you
To let you know that I’ll be true
And someday soon
I’ll return
To be with you

I always will return to you
To be together again
My friend, oh my friend
And if you look upon a moonlight sky,
Find a star and make a wish for me

I’ll carry a flame and it always will remain,
No matter where I am I’ll be with you
Remember how it was
Well it shall be like that again
Though some may say things never stay the same.

Togamaid Bothan

Le Brian Ó hEadhra

Thigibh, togamaid bothan sa choille sa ghleann
Air fail e li leo, air fail e li leo
Far am faigh sinn fois aotrom bho smuaintean tha trom
Air fail e li leo, air fail e li leo
Fad fad às a' bhaile, taobh siar is ceann thall
Air làrach cruinn lurach far an togadh sinn fonn
Bidh na h-oidhcheannan goirid is ar n-iomagain gann
Bidh na boisean a' bualadh a' bhùird leis gach rann
Agus togaidh sinn glainne dar muinntir 's dar clann
'S ann leinn-ne am fearann is cumar e beò

Let's Build a Bothy

Come, let us build a bothy in the forest in the glen
Where will we get a reprieve from heavy thoughts
Far from the town, to the west, over yonder
On a wee camp where we'd have a tune
The nights will be short and our worries few
The fists will beat the tables with every verse
And we will raise a glass to our people and to our children
The hard life of the sheiling is gone in the mist
We own the land and we will keep it alive

Trì Rionnagan Beaga

Le Brian Ó hEadhra

A' siubhal dhachaigh a-nochd
Tha trì reultan san speur
Thar na mìltean eile
A' losgadh gu treun
A toirt stiùireadh is dòchas
Sòlas is sìth
Trì rionnagan beaga
Cho prìseil dhomh fhìn

Mur nach robh iad gu h-àrd
Bhithinn mar bhàta gun stiùir
Gun soilleireachd gach oidhche
Air call sa mhuir
Dh'fheumainn neart a lorg
Mo bheatha gun chiall
Gun trì rionnagan beaga
Cho prìseil dhomh fhìn

Le fortan mar seo
Chan eil sìon a tha dhìth
Nan robh an aon rud a'd fhèin
Thuigeadh tu mo bhrìgh
'S iad an solas nam shùil
Is an t-sùmhlachd nam chridhe
Na trì rionnagan beaga
Cho prìseil dhomh fhìn

'S an t-aon bheag a tha seargach
Cha bhi thu fada bhuainn a ghràidh
Cum sùil a-mach oirnn uile
'S cumaidh mise mo shùil ort fhèin

True Love Songs

By Brian Ó hEadhra 

I’m scarred for life
A sliver of pain lodged deep inside my soul
Sometimes I cannot hide my emotions from the world
I find it harder now to hide from myself

All the love songs have come true
All these sickly sweet words, they come shining through
Is alone all that bad, necessary to be sad
And it’s time to break free for a day

These true love words
Sound increasingly absurd, in every act, in every word that I say
But I can’t resist writing love songs such as this
If not, my soul would be wasting away

Next move, checkmate, you lose a queen
She’s lost her king and it’s so absurd
The pawns, they play on
The game of love

Will You Break My Heart?

By Brian Ó hEadhra 

No time is the right time
To say these words to you.
But words are never enough
To say 'I love you'.

Time, a friend or an enemy,
While I search to define my life.
And you look like an angel;
Teach me to laugh and cry.

Will you break my heart?
Will you hold me now?
Can you tell me
That everything's all right?

We stand face to face now.
The night wraps itself around.
And we talk with no words,
And see through the same eyes.